The Eagle Mentality - Best Motivation

Break your old habits. An eagle breaks its beak and claws to let them grow into new ones.

The Eagle Mentality - Best Motivation
Photo by James Newcombe / Unsplash

Don't be a parrot in life.

Orange-chinned parakeet
Photo by Zdeněk Macháček / Unsplash

A parrot chatter excessively but cannot fly very high, whereas an eagle is silent yet has the courage to reach for the sky.

Here are the seven mentalities that an eagle may teach us:

1) At high altitudes, eagles soar alone. Eagles avoid sparrows, ravens, and other little birds, implying that you should avoid narrow-minded people who would bring you down. There's a proverb that goes something like this: "The people you hang out with will eventually determine the person you become." Maintain good company.

Bald Eagle Lunchtime
Photo by Mathew Schwartz / Unsplash

2) Eagles have excellent vision. They can concentrate on anything as far away as five kilometers away. Regardless of the impediments, the eagle will not shift his attention away from the prey until he has it in his grasp. Meaning, no matter what problems or challenges you face, have a vision and stay focused in your life. You will succeed if you don't give up.

3) Eagles have no fear. An eagle will never give in to its prey's size or strength. It will always battle to win its prey or reclaim its area, therefore don't give up no matter how large or small your troubles are. Instead, confront it. Successful people are courageous in their approach to difficulties.

4) Eagles are tough creatures. When the clouds begin to gather, the eagles become excited. Once they discover the wind of a storm, the eagles use it to pull themselves higher. The eagles take advantage of the roaring storm to soar above the sky. The eagle can glide and rest its wings as a result of this. Meanwhile, the other birds hide in the tree's branches and leaves, implying that achievers are not frightened of problems, but rather savor them and use them to their advantage.

Photo by Josep Castells / Unsplash

5) Eagles never eat corpses. Dead flesh is never eaten by eagles. To put it another way, an eagle does not scavenge; instead, it eats the meat from the prey it kills. Meaning, don't rely on your previous achievements. Always be on the lookout for new horizons to conquer. Leave your past in the past, where it belongs.

6) The Eagles are getting ready for training. They take the feathers from the soft grass and the nest in order to make the young ones uncomfortable in preparation for flight, and they eventually fly when it gets too uncomfortable to stay in the nest. That is to say, get out of your comfort zone; there is no room for progress there.

7) Last but not least, eagles are vibrant creatures. When an eagle becomes old, his feathers weaken and he can't fly as quickly or as high as he used to. This weakens him and puts him at risk of death, so he flees to the mountains, plucking off the weak feathers in his body and breaking his beak and claws against the rocks until he is completely bare. After a bloody and terrible procedure, he hides until he has grown new feathers, beaks, and claws, after which he emerges flying higher than ever before. Meaning, no matter how tough it is, we must occasionally let go of old behaviors that burden us or offer no value to our lives.

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